Why You Should Start Producing and Sharing More Video Content

Videos are definitely among the top types of content that people online consume. A study recently revealed that video drives massive growth and online visibility. This means that if you want immense growth online, then it’s time to produce more video content. 

The pandemic has also pushed the numbers of the already growing number of video consumption, which adds another reason to start sharing more video content. 

Below are more reasons video content is essential and is taking over: 

Videos Can Be Cross-Posted Across Different Platforms 

It may take more effort to produce videos, but it’s worth it and much easier to re-purpose on social media platforms, which will result in a wider reach in audience. This is a popular trend among influencers and other creators that have been successful. 

Videos Have Higher Engagement 

You will already find a video content within the first 10 seconds after you’ve logged into any social media platform because video content usually aligns the best with the algorithms. For instance, on Twitter, there’s at least 10x more engagements when tweets come with videos, and gets re-shared more. 

However, with millions of videos found on every page, competition is tight and your video should be able to stand out.  There are more brands or creators who make sure that their videos are well-produced. Seek the help of professionals like a video production house in HK to ensure that they produce quality videos that not only captures the attention of the viewers, but also encourage engagement. 

Videos Are Relevant For Long  

Apart from driving engagement, videos also remain relevant and stick around longer than any types of content. For instance, old TikTok videos may pop up in someone’s ForYou page and can gain a new set of viewers who have never seen the video before. YouTube may also recommend shorts and other videos to new users, despite being posted years ago. 

Need to capture a viewer’s attention within the first few seconds? Eant to stay relevant?  High-quality video content is the right answer.
